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Wednesday, May 31, 2023



Friday, May 26, 2023

Where does SharePoint migration tool store temp files? ~~~ Temporary storage on your local computer is too low

 By default, a temp folder will be created. Note: By default, the working folder is %appdata%\Microsoft\MigrationTool . Make sure that your working folder has a minimum of 150 GB of free space. It may need more depending on the size of the data you plan to migrate.

Temporary storage on your local computer is too low

--- changing the working folder should work

---- well that working folder option is not available in the File Share migration tool



Wednesday, May 24, 2023

MS teams add guest to your teams

Note: If you receive a "We didn't find any matches" error while trying to add a guest, your organization doesn't allow guests. 

MAC randomization ~~ src internet

 MAC randomization is a process that hides the exact identity of a mobile device. It works by concealing what is called the media access control (MAC) address of that device and creating an artificial one in its place, which is then transmitted to any surrounding WiFi access points.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

how do i unsubscribe a youtube channel

 Unsubscribe to a YouTube channel

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Go to a video whose channel you want to unsubscribe to.
  3. Under the video player, tap Subscribed. Unsubscribe.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, you'll get a notification confirming you've unsubscribed.

Saturday, May 20, 2023



合久必分 分久必和 兴久必衰 衰久必兴

 合久必分 分久必和 兴久必衰 衰久必兴 



Thursday, May 18, 2023

那些在2021年4月购买房产的屋主现在需要将约31%的收入用于支付抵押贷款的还款 ~~~ local internet src



Wednesday, May 17, 2023




What Is YouTube Watch Later? ~~~ home --- Library ---- drill down a bit ~~~ watcher later ---- actually it is inside the top upper left --- click on the three-lines

 What Is YouTube Watch Later? ~~~ home --- Library ---- drill down a bit ~~~ watcher later

 actually it is inside the top upper left --- click on the three-lines next to the Youtube logo

a menu will pop out  , you will see watch later

Thursday, May 11, 2023

re-confgure / setup a 365 user windows 10 desktop after a user got renamed

 re-setup outlook , like create a new outlook profile

Onedrive broken --- stop sync , re-setup got error like could not connect to onedrive, restore the desktop to its original location, then booom.. all connected

SharePoint shared files not refresh after rename --- stop sync , browse online -- re-sync

all done

all good

GMAIL : Some emails do not appear in Inbox, but in All mail. ....

 weird ,

I am still working on it

starting with filters

