odd jobs I can do ---
(source: https://www.care.com/a/101-odd-jobs-you-can-hire-someone-else-to-do-1403241327)
Do weekly grocery shopping runs
Help cook for a big party
Pick up dry cleaning, alterations or clothing repairs
Wash the car
Rake leaves
Write thank you notes
Organize the garage
Set up for a yard sale
Clean the pool and empty the skimmers
Organize photo albums (digital or paper)
Take the trash to the dump
Assemble furniture (no more IKEA instructions for you!)
Put lights up for the holidays
Move furniture
Shovel snow
Mow the lawn
Weed the garden
Clean out the attic/basement
Paint a room
Write out holiday cards
Water the plants
Serve food at a house party
Return unwanted purchases
Fold laundry
Clean the fridge
Organize contacts and email addresses
Sync computer to devices
Organize the pantry
Wash dishes
Return library books -- and get new ones
List unwanted furniture on sites like Craigslist or eBay
Drive kids to soccer practice
Hand out flyers around town for a new business
Prep and cook meals to freeze
Wash the windows
Set up for a birthday party
Scan and digitize your child's artwork
Water the lawn and garden
Help at a child's birthday or pool party
Bake for a bake sale
Clean out the gutters
Housesit while you’re on vacation
Clean up after a party
Prepare a guest room before family visits
Pick-up and deliver anything you need
Set up electronics around the house
File and organize your recipes
Clean the boat
Take your elderly mother grocery shopping
Drive elderly parents to doctor's appointments
Organize the shed
Create and stuff goodie bags
Stock up on essentials at a big box store.
Paint nails and do hair at a party for little girls
Set up for an event (chairs, food table, drinks)
Schedule appointments
Use a "Pooper Scooper" in the backyard
Teach basic computer skills
Organize a library of books
Enter data into an Excel doc
Address and mail cards
Practice dances before an event
Assist with estate sorting after a death
Provide personal shopping
Help with interior decorating
Lead a craft project at a birthday party
Edit a resume
Organize CDs or records
Make reservations
Rehearse a job interview
Set up outdoor furniture after the winter
Hold a sign for an event
Direct traffic in a parking lot during an event
Tend the campfire at an outdoor party
Grill at a barbeque
Edit college essays
Prepare for a wedding speech or a presentation
Play music at an event
Organize a closet
Set up a website or blog
Guide a tour around a new town
Plan a vacation
Organize and file papers
Wrap presents around the holidays
Chop firewood
Clean and organize gardening and yard tools
Bartend at a party
Spread mulch on flower beds
Open and close the pool
Set up yard toys (trampoline, swing set, etc.)
Polish and buff a shoe collection
Participate in a focus group or experiment
Organize office documents
Pick up from the airport or train station
Collect mail, newspapers and packages while you're on vacation
Buy tickets for an event
Pack and unpack after a move
Organize and assist a busy professional
Deliver car for maintenance and inspections
Assist in daily routine after an injury
Respond to letters and emails
(source: https://www.care.com/a/101-odd-jobs-you-can-hire-someone-else-to-do-1403241327)

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