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Saturday, August 18, 2018

food menu ( source various internet dict / wiki)

GLUTEN 麸质;面筋

Yoghurt 酸奶;酸乳

poached eggs 荷包蛋

Quinoa [植]藜麦

Toasted Panini 意大利帕尼尼三明治

basmati  香米

tangy 扑鼻的;有刺激性的

margarine, 人造黄油

scones 英国的一种圆饼)司康饼

Lasagne 宽面;卤汁面

Béchamel sauce Béchamel sauce, also known as white sauce, is made from a white roux and milk. It has been considered, since the seventeenth century, one of the mother sauces of French cuisine. It is used as the base for other sauces.

Custard 乳蛋糕

Crème Brulee Crème brûlée, also known as burnt cream or Trinity cream, is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a texturally contrasting layer of hardened caramelized sugar

preserves 果酱;蜜饯

vegemite Vegemite is a thick, black Australian food spread made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives. It was developed by Cyril Percy Callister in Melbourne, Victoria in 1922.

bran, 糠;麸子

julienne (蔬菜等)切成条的;切成丝的

humus. humus. 腐殖质

vinaigrette  香料饰盒;香料嗅瓶;色拉调味汁(用油、醋和各种香草等混合而成)

croutons. 油炸面包丁;烤碎面包块;巴豆 

thyme,  百里香;麝香草

nutmeg  肉豆寇;肉豆寇种子中的核仁

Lentil 扁豆

Bagel 百吉饼;硬面包圈

capers 刺山柑 

chutney (印度)酸辣酱

salsa 沙司(墨西哥食物中辣调味汁)

Aioli or aïoli is a Mediterranean sauce made of garlic and olive oil; some regions use other emulsifiers such as egg. The names mean "garlic and oil" in Catalan and Provençal

butterscotch 奶油糖果;黄褐色

filo [食](制酥点用的)擀成极薄层的生面

sauté fried quickly in a little hot fat.
"sauté potatoes"

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Windows 10 lost sound, chrome youtube playback no sound

it suddenly happened yesterday, there was no sound in my notebook

initially I blamed the latest windows update

then ... it is something else ...

The system is making sound when I adjust volume in the new sound app

but no sound in other classic sounds control

eventually disable sound output device and re-enable sound output device, then the sound is back