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Friday, April 30, 2021

Delete an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain using the Azure portal

In the Azure portal, search for and select Azure AD Domain Services.

Select the name of your managed domain, such as

On the Overview page, select Delete. To confirm the deletion, type the domain name of the managed domain again, then select Delete.

remove windows 2019 active directory

 in server manager 

remove ad ds

then demote this DC

the last dc

enter password

this is the administrator password

not the original admin user password

after a restart 

remove ad ds


put dns back to azure

azure bastion is not free , not cheap either

 azure bastion is not free , not cheap either

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

windows admin center 2103

 on a dc

The msi file

This software is not supported on domain controller machines

install first windows server 2019 domain controller in azure

 its like w2016 / w 2012 r2 

in server manager add ad ds

and features needed

set dns zone name


netbios name


drsm password


promote this machine to dc

no, you can't change azure virtual machine name in azure portal

 sounds easy, but I could not do it. neither other guys,need%20to%20restart%20the%20instance.&text=You%20can%20not%20rename%20VM,to%20other%2Fchange%20resource%20group.

quote here

Resource names for virtual machines are immutable. So, you will need to redeploy your virtual machine.

Best way to do this is to delete the current one, maintaining the disks, and then create a new one with the correct name pointing to those disks.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Deploy windows virtual desktop with Azure AD DS -- got this working

got this AZURE AD DS GOING WITH windows virtual desktop

failed a couple of times due to rdstenant name is not the same with the domain name like

myboomer =

if Xboomer ~= , then it will fail, I dont see why that should matter, but after I changed it to be the same,  I got a deployment success

 make your password 12 chars long so it will be easier to join the domain

Import-Module -Name Az

Import-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell

$brokerurl = ""

$aadTenantId = "the tenant ID used in the previous steps"

$azureSubscriptionId = "the subscription for this deployment"

Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl $brokerurl

New-RdsTenant -Name "WVDTenantNameOfYourChoice-actually not in my case" -AadTenantId $aadTenantId -AzureSubscriptionId $azureSubscriptionId

Add-RdsAppGroupUser   “Desktop Application Group” -UserPrincipalName 

Get-RdsHostPool -TenantName 
Get-RdsAppGroup -TenantName  -HostPoolName 

here is a good reference

here are the errors I got when the deployment fail

Deployment template validation failed: 'The template resource '_artifactsLocation' at line '70' and column '31' is not valid: 

The language expression property 'templateLink' doesn't exist, available properties 

are 'template, templateHash, parameters, mode, debugSetting, provisioningState'.. 

Please see for usage details.'. (Code: InvalidTemplate)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Update-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowershell

 Update-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowershell

Thursday, April 22, 2021

check activation status in Windows 10

 To check activation status in Windows 10, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Update & Security and then select Activation . Your activation status will be listed next to Activation. You are activated.

How do you change performance settings in Windows 10?

 How do you change performance settings in Windows 10?

In the search box on the taskbar, type performance, then select Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows in the list of results. On the Visual Effects tab, select Adjust for best performance > Apply. Restart your PC and see if that speeds up your PC

azure active directory domain services are not cheap

 the standard sku is about $110.00 per month

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

take a bit long to deploy azure active directory domain services

 more than 20 minutes passes , still ongoing

Import-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell --- error

 Import-Module: The specified module 'Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

the answer is 

install-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell

powershell version is now 7.1.3

 powershell version is now 7.1.3 

another admin could not create resources in azure

grant permission to register resource providers or register all resource providers upfront.

you do it either in powersell or in gui

the admin will grant himself / herself permissions to the providers

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Elevate access to manage all Azure subscriptions and management groups

Azure AD and Azure resources are secured independently from one another. That is, Azure AD role assignments do not grant access to Azure resources, and Azure role assignments do not grant access to Azure AD. However, if you are a Global Administrator in Azure AD, you can assign yourself access to all Azure subscriptions and management groups in your directory. Use this capability if you don't have access to Azure subscription resources,

Monday, April 19, 2021

how do I remove a domain in azure

 In the Azure portal, search for and select Azure AD Domain Services. Select the name of your managed domain, such as On the Overview page, select Delete. To confirm the deletion, type the domain name of the managed domain again, then select Delete.

create a teams library using or use onedrive client to access teams library,turned%20off%20for%20your%20account.

Sign into the OneDrive website at with your work or school account, and then, under Shared libraries, click Create new.

Limits and specifications for Microsoft Teams

1TB teams storage sounds good

draytek internet router and --- dynamic dns

 it worked very well

one free account is fine

you can sign-up at pretty easy

then in draytek router

Click on “Applications” and then “Dynamic DNS.”

 Click on “Enable Dynamic DNS Setup.” Then click “1.”

Click “Enable Dynamic DNS Account.” Choose No-IP from the Service Provider drop-down menu. Enter your No-IP domain name, login name (username) and password. 

How To Fix Error “The Operation Cannot Be Performed Because The Message Has Been Changed” --- problem with moving email out of junk folder

 How To Fix Error “The Operation Cannot Be Performed Because The Message Has Been Changed”

If you already click - read the junk email  , click un-read , then you can move it to inbox

change azure primary domain name

 To change the primary domain name:

Sign in to the Azure portal with an account that's a Global Administrator for the organization.

Select Azure Active Directory.

Select Custom domain names.

Select the name of the domain that you want to be the primary domain.

Select the Make primary command.

azure portal -- change tenant's name

 Organization Name is the display name of your tenant. You can change it by navigating to Azure Portal > Azure AD > Properties and change the name attribute

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What is


What is is a Google-owned domain name used to identify the servers in our network.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

sharepoint online file size limit --- looks like 15gb is the new limit

Files under 15 GB

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

64-bit version of OneDrive

The 64-bit treatment to take advantage of greater memory and other resources.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

dropbox to OneDrive migration tool , SharePoint Migration tool

very interesting


Microsoft bought it

5.7.708 Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP ; Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected it.

 5.7.708 Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP

This error can happen when you are trying out a Microsoft 365 trial tenant. If you receive this error before you can purchase licenses, contact support to request an exception for the low reputation IP address until you're able to purchase licenses.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

iphone 8 calendar not update --- need re-enter gmail password again

 iphone 8 calendar not update --- need re-enter gmail password again

suddenly my iphone is not showing new calendar entries , 

upon checking, I have to enter gmail password again



Friday, April 9, 2021

azure AZ-900 training session - video quality issue --- not that bad once figured out

 I was watching on my desktop


I turned on my ipad , and logged in , then closed ipad


the desktop session became jittery

i CLOSED the ipad session

the quality of video is good again

Sunday, April 4, 2021

kali linux switch to text mode --- quiet splash 3

 the kali GUI became distorted ... mouse pointer is jumping and a cursor on the top left

switch to cli to continue the update



quiet splash 3 on boot , then press F10

head stone Shen & Li --- src 2cn . cn


un-install google drive --- src makeuseof

 Open Settings (using the Win + I shortcut if you like) and browse to Apps > Apps & features. Use the search box or scroll down to find Backup and Sync from Google, which is the new name for the Google Drive app. Click Uninstall and walk through the steps to remove it from your computer.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

install ssh server on kali linux

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

sudo service ssh start

service ssh status

Friday, April 2, 2021




update my kali linux to the latest version : E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.

 E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.


apt-get clean packages

sudo apt-get autoclean
not much luck

the trick is

mv /var/cache/apt/ /home/
ln -s /home/apt/ /var/cache/apt

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo apt update kali@kali:~$ kali@kali:~$ sudo apt full-upgrade -y

recover kali linux password ; my kali linux box not being powered on for sometime, I wrote the password on a piece of paper , needless to say, I could not find it

 recover kali linux password ; my kali linux box not being powered on for sometime, I wrote the password on a piece of paper , needless to say, I could not find it

not so hard

  • First boot Kali Linux GRUB menu.
  • Now in GRUB menu, select "Kali GNU/Linux" and press "e".
  • Then in the next screen find a line starting with "linux".
  • There replace "ro" with "rw" and replace "quiet" with "init=/bin/bash".
  • press F10
  • Now type command mount in the shell.
  • cat /bin/passwd  ; to find my username
  • And then type command passwd user_name to reset password.
  • Now reboot with exec /sbin/init.