onsent button for the permissions Team.Create.
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"description": "The Early Adopters Workspace.",
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"displayName": "Tech Meetings",
"description": "Space for all employees participating in the champions program, who want exchange each other about the newest features.",
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"description": "When will be the next tech lunch and who has any suggestions where to meet."
"displayName": "Q and A",
"description": "Questions and answers: Teams users giving a helping hand to other users.",
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"displayName": "Issues and Feedback 🐞",
"description": "Leave some feedback for the IT-Staff.",
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"displayName": "Tech Meetings",
"description": "Space for all employees participating in the champions program, who want exchange each other about the newest features.",
"channels": [
"displayName": "Welcome Hall",
"isFavoriteByDefault": true,
"description": "Channel for introducing yourself as a member of the tech meeting participants."
"displayName": "Tech Lunch and Dinner",
"isFavoriteByDefault": true,
"description": "When will be the next tech lunch and who has any suggestions where to meet."
"displayName": "Q and A",
"description": "Questions and answers: Teams users giving a helping hand to other users.",
"isFavoriteByDefault": true
"displayName": "Issues and Feedback 🐞",
"description": "Leave some feedback for the IT-Staff.",
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